
Al-Maktab Cafés

Formerly known as Al Maktab Café, we were a unique establishment in Damascus, proudly operating two branches in Al-Qussour and Dummar. With a capacity to accommodate over 600 patrons in each location, our venues seamlessly blended the timeless charm of Damascene cafés with modern design aesthetics. Our café offered a diverse menu of culinary delights and beverages within a warm and inviting atmosphere.

We were renowned for curating a vibrant social and cultural scene, hosting monthly events that featured live music, traditional café games, live sports screenings, and engaging activities for children.

As part of our evolution, the Qussour branch has been transformed into the exciting new dining destination, Sultan Al-Sharq. Meanwhile, the Dummar location is currently undergoing reimagining for an exciting future ahead

Al-Maktab Advertising

Discover Nazha Investments Group's Previous Ventures in Al-Maktab Advertising

Al-Maktab Advertising, a subsidiary of Nazha Investments Group, has a rich history of innovative advertising solutions. Here's a glimpse into our past activities:

1. Al-Maktab Giant Newspaper: Making a bold statement, we capitalized on construction and renovation sites by replacing conventional green cloths with our expansive advertising canvases. Our first installation in Damascus City Center offered a massive 2,500 square meters of advertising space, earning the title of the world's largest newspaper and becoming Syria's premier advertising platform.

2. Al-Maktab Newspaper: Our monthly publication revolutionized advertising by integrating promotional articles and advertising space. Distributed in Al Maktab Cafés, each issue not only featured menus, news, and events but also reached a daily audience of at least 1000 people per café.

3. Al Maktab Electronic Newspaper: Embracing the digital era, we launched an online version of our printed newspaper. This digital medium provided flexible options for promoting and advertising, while also expanding our reach and enhancing data distribution.

4. Al-Maktab TV: Integrated within Al Maktab Cafés, Al-Maktab TV broadcasted promotions and ads on 60 screens in each café, enriching the customer experience while maximizing advertising impact.

At Nazha Investments Group, we continue to innovate and push the boundaries of advertising, delivering impactful solutions that captivate audiences and drive results. Stay tuned for our future endeavors in the dynamic world of advertising.

Contact us


Syria, Damascus
Victoria Bridge, Sabbagh Building

P.O.Box: 2170


+963 11 2221857


+963 11 2243933