
Deir Al Hajar Company: Pioneering Excellence in Facilities & Equipment

At the forefront of operational efficiency and service excellence, Deir Al Hajar Company takes pride in owning a diverse portfolio of real estates, cutting-edge facilities, logistic equipment, and state-of-the-art packing machineries. Our commitment extends not only to meeting the needs of our esteemed sister companies but also to delivering unparalleled services to external customers.

Comprehensive Real Estate Portfolio:
Deir Al Hajar Company strategically invests in real estate to create a robust foundation for its operations. Our diverse real estate holdings serve as the bedrock for facilitating seamless business activities and ensuring optimal service delivery.

Cutting-Edge Facilities:
We boast modern and well-equipped facilities that align with industry standards. Our commitment to excellence is reflected in the meticulous maintenance and utilization of these facilities, providing a conducive environment for productivity and innovation.

Logistic Equipment:
Deir Al Hajar Company stays at the forefront of technological advancements by owning and leveraging a spectrum of logistic equipment. This includes a variety of tools and machinery designed to optimize the efficiency of our logistical operations, contributing to the success of our endeavors.

Packing Machineries:
Our commitment to delivering quality extends to the packing of products. Deir Al Hajar Company invests in packing machineries, ensuring that products are handled with precision, care, and efficiency. This focus on modern packing solutions reflects our dedication to meeting and exceeding industry standards.

Service Excellence for Sister Companies and External Customers:
Our facilities, equipment, and machineries are not only utilized for our internal operations but are also extended to external customers. This commitment to service excellence positions Deir Al Hajar Company as a reliable partner, offering tailored solutions to meet the diverse needs of our valued clients.

In every aspect of our operations, from real estate management to logistic solutions, Deir Al Hajar Company sets the standard for excellence. We take pride in contributing to the success of sister companies and external customers alike through our commitment to innovation, efficiency, and unparalleled service quality.

Contact us


Syria, Damascus
Victoria Bridge, Sabbagh Building

P.O.Box: 2170


+963 11 2221857


+963 11 2243933